Over NMO - English
19 November 2024
Arjan Pomper appointed as new managing director at Nationaal Media Onderzoek
19th November 2024, Amsterdam - Nationaal Media Onderzoek (NMO) has appointed Arjan Pomper as its new managing director. In this role he succeeds Ton Schoonderbeek. With the arrival of Arjan Pomper, NMO is entering a new phase in which its research will further develop into a cross-media approach, integrating audience measurements for different media such as television, radio, online and print.

01 march 2024
In addition to autonomous decline, panel update NMO Kijkonderzoek (TAM) also leads to a decline in linear viewing time
For the past six months, the updated NMO Kijkonderzoek (The Dutch TAM) has been providing the common currency for the television market. The NMO Kijkonderzoek, like other sources, shows an autonomous declining trend in linear viewing time. The decline appears to be larger in certain target groups than in the overall 6+ group, especially among the 35 to 49-year-olds and the 20 to 49-year-olds. This becomes especially visible after the planned panel update that was carried out just before the launch of the new audience measurement.

25 September 2023
Independent audit by CESP endorses the quality of the MediaCell+ measurement
NMO is setting up an innovative cross-media measurement system covering TV, digital, radio, and print measurement for the Dutch media industry. The solution is operated by Ipsos and Kantar Media. Regarding the new radio measurement, Ipsos manages the radio listening collection through the MediaCell+ app, panel management and data processing and Kantar Media is in charge of panel recruitment. NMO commissioned CESP, international media measurement auditor, to evaluate the deployment of this new measurement system.

22 August 2023
NMO to release ‘total video’ audience data with enhanced insights into what people watch
22nd August 2023, Amsterdam - The release of data from the Netherland’s new NMO Kijkonderzoek (Total Video Audience Measurement) will begin on Monday 28 th August.

30 August 2022
Ton Schoonderbeek and Patricia Sonius to lead Nationaal Media Onderzoek
Ton Schoonderbeek and Patricia Sonius will take the ambitious and globally unique cross-media research project to the next phase and shape an organisation that fits the long-term ambitions of Nationaal Media Onderzoek (NMO; National Media Research).

18 May 2021
Cross-media monitoring and reporting content and commercials
The organizations for audience measurement in the Netherlands published a Request for Proposal for media monitoring as part of the new National Media Onderzoek (NMO). Earlier the contracts for the audience measurement parts of this project have been awarded to Kantar and Ipsos. In this RfP we welcome new ideas for the registration, classification and harmonization of content and commercials within NMO. Both for individual media as well as cross media. This should give insight into all media content the public can be exposed to. Research agencies and other companies with experience in this field are asked to come up with proposals. The aim is to reach a decision at the end of 2021.
The RfP should lead to a new, joint standard for monitoring and reporting content and commercials within TV, radio and online.

31 March 2021
Kantar and Ipsos appointed to deliver total media audience measurement solution in the Netherlands
Kantar and Ipsos have been awarded the contracts to deliver the world’s first true cross-media total audience measurement solution in the Netherlands. Working in partnership with Nationaal Media Onderzoek (NMO), representing the interests of the Dutch Media Industry this cross-media measurement solution is the world’s first truly integrated audience measurement programme. In combining audience viewing, listening, browsing and reading through a single, integrated system it will deliver deeper insights to understand Dutch audiences and enable richer trading currencies for each media. The new approach will enable advertisers and agencies to optimise the performance of media channels – both in isolation and when combined in a cross-media campaign.

About NMO
Nationaal Media Onderzoek (NMO) is an initiative of the four organizations for media research in the Netherlands: Stichting KijkOnderzoek (SKO), Nationaal Luister Onderzoek (NLO), Nationaal Onderzoek Multimedia (NOM) and Verenigde Internet Exploitanten (VINEX). All major Dutch media operators and broadcasters are involved through these organizations, as well as the association of advertisers (BVA) and the representative organisation of media agencies Platform Media Adviesbureau (PMA).
NLO - Nationaal Luister Onderzoek (NLO) is responsible for the reporting and publication of the official Netherlands audio trading currency
NOM - Nationaal Onderzoek Multimedia (NOM) is responsible for the reporting and publication of the official Netherlands readership currency
SKO - Stichting KijkOnderzoek (SKO) is responsible for the reporting and publication of the official Netherlands TV and video trading currency
VINEX - Verenigde Internet Exploitanten (VINEX) is the United Internet Operators association, a Media Owned Committee
In combining audience viewing, listening, reading and browsing through a single, integrated system NMO will deliver deeper insights to understand Dutch audiences and enable richer trading currencies for each media. The new approach will enable advertisers and agencies to optimise the performance of media channels – both in isolation and when combined in a cross-media campaign.
Kantar and Ipsos were appointed following a competitive tender process to design an integrated measurement system that fuels the TV, radio, print and internet trading currencies. The single system will meet the highest standards for design, data collection and processing, and will replace the existing media currencies in the market. Data releases for the new solution will begin in 2021.
Cross-media audience measurement
This video animation explains the several components of Nationaal Media Onderzoek (NMO). A Dutch version of this video is available on this page.

About Kantar
Kantar is the world’s leading data, insights and consulting company. They understand more about how people think, feel, shop, share, vote and view than anyone else. Combining their expertise in human understanding with advanced technologies, Kantar’s 30,000 people help the world’s leading organisations succeed and grow.
About Ipsos
Ipsos is the third largest market research company in the world, present in 90 markets and employing more than 18,000 people. Their research professionals, analysts and scientists have built unique multi-specialist capabilities that provide powerful insights into the actions, opinions and motivations of citizens, consumers, patients, customers or employees. Their 75 business solutions are based on primary data coming from our surveys, social media monitoring, and qualitative or observational techniques. “Game Changers” – their tagline – summarises the ambition to help 5,000 clients to navigate more easily our deeply changing world. Founded in France in 1975, Ipsos is listed on the Euronext Paris since July 1st, 1999. The company is part of the SBF 120 and the Mid-60 index and is eligible for the Deferred Settlement Service (SRD).

Over NLO
Stichting Nationaal Luister Onderzoek (NLO) is sinds 2012 verantwoordelijk voor het onderzoek naar het radioluistergedrag van de Nederlandse bevolking en de rapportering daarvan. NLO is een Joint Industry Committee waarin de Nederlandse Publieke Omroep (NPO), het Radio Advies Bureau (RAB), het Platform Media Adviesbureau (PMA) en de bond van adverteerders (BVA) samenwerken.

Over NOM
Stichting NOM (Nationaal Onderzoek Multimedia) is sinds 2001 verantwoordelijk voor het leveren van bereikscijfers voor dagbladen, magazines en huis-aan-huiskranten in Nederland. Tegenwoordig is de doelstelling verbreed naar het in kaart brengen van het totaal lezen (het bereik) van mediamerken van nieuwsmedia en magazines, ongeacht het platform waarop content wordt verspreid. De participanten van NOM zijn: NDP Nieuwsmedia (NDP), Magazine Media Associatie (MMA), Platform Media Adviesbureaus (PMA) en de bond van Adverteerders (BVA).

Over SKO
Stichting KijkOnderzoek (SKO) is sinds 2002 verantwoordelijk voor het
onderzoek naar het kijkgedrag van de Nederlandse bevolking. SKO draagt zorg voor de rapportering en de controle van de kijkcijfers en voor aanpassingen en innovaties in de methode van het kijkonderzoek. In SKO zijn de Nederlandse Publieke Omroep (NPO), Screenforce (TV-marketingcentrum), het Platform Media Adviesbureau (PMA) en de bond van adverteerders (BVA) vertegenwoordigd.

VINEX staat voor Verenigde Internetexploitanten en is sinds 2015 opdrachtgever van het online bereiksonderzoek in Nederland (NOBO). VINEX is een initiatief van vooraanstaande publishers, die streven naar transparantie en uniformiteit in de Nederlandse online (advertentie-)markt.